

Create a group & choose group settings

Sign in to Google Groups. At the top, click Create group. Enter information and choose settings for the group. Settings reference. Click Create group.

Google Groups


Google Groups Community

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Google Groups

2024年3月12日 — Google Groups is a service from Google that provides discussion groups for people sharing common interests. Users can both join and participate ...


Google 網路論壇(英語:Google Groups)是Google提供的線上交流工具,在Web介面上類似於常見的網路論壇。但Google Groups的實質卻可以理解為一個郵寄清單。

How to set up a Google Group and customize its settings

2022年3月24日 — A Google Group can be used as a web forum where members can post and respond to messages from other members. The conversations are available on ...